Thursday, March 28, 2013

Notable Adjustments to a New Niche.

Sometimes things that move and swirl in our lives can't be described with a normal word like 'change'.  It seems not enough of a word for all the different events taking place. How does one describe a roller coaster in their heads and lives? When I asked the thesaurus to give me more clarity I found some words that might work instead.

Adapt- Since moving to Nairobi this word has been a verb that suits well.  We've begun the process of at least thinking about all we need to adjust to.  Surprisingly, its not been so bad.  There is a huge group of shops down the street from me and I am constantly reminding myself to dial it down a bit when I shop.  I bought ONE cucumber in the green grocer not long ago.  ONE.  Usually I come away with half the stock on the shelf.

A few weeks ago, Kenya had general elections. Lots of enthusiasm and prayers for peace. Which the Lord granted.  Please continue to pray for Kenyans as they themselves adapt to a new leader.

 We adapted pretty quickly to NO traffic! One road that is a nightmare to drive on is Ngong Road.  A two lane tarmac that never has just two lanes of traffic. Usually there is four!

Ngong road during election time.  Very easy to adapt to that one!
Another great thesaurus word for change is the word adjust. 
Right now I am finding it a bit hard to adjust to well, wildlife.  I know those of you who know Olderkesi can probably not believe this.  Wildlife here on this Nairobi compound sometimes holds me hostage in my own house!

These monkeys.-"city thugs "I call them, are angry and cheeky.  Oh sure, they LOOK cute. As soon as I got outside to hang the laundry, they are there.  They mock charge me, they grunt at me and a week ago, one grabbed  ahold of my leg.  Adjusting? YES! I adjusted the volume of my scream right on the spot.

Another great word I like is 'revise".  Now that we are traveling more to other countries, I can revise my thinking, my imagination and my math skills with different currency.  We just returned from a nine day trip to Uganda. I learned some pretty neat things about the people who live there and the valuable ministries of the missionaries.  It was wonderful to know what a rainforest feels like.  My theory is that Uganda is all rainforest waiting to reclaim some spots that were cleared out for towns or roads.  So, I hope no one turns their backs for too long!

Finally, I read that change also can be termed with the word "reorganize".  I feel like this is something I am constantly doing.  Not only the few things we've unpacked in the house as we peripherally move in, but my thoughts as well.  It took me by surprise several days after first coming back. I would awake in a panic thinking how I still needed to get to the butcher or the green grocer to stock up like I used to.  I would think even before I opened my eyes in the morning how we needed to be on the road home!  Then I realized, there was no road home to Olderkesi anymore.  Half hour at the most from the airport and I'm where I am living.  Reorganizing all that is an ongoing thing. None of these things make me second guess Jesus' new road for us.  It just takes time and coaching from the wisest coach I know.  Jesus.  I'm so glad he's the one heading all this up!