Monday, November 21, 2011

Part 3 and the last..South Sudan..The "varmits"! Then some funny stuff.

I saved this section till last.  I didn't want to scare anyone off in case God is calling you to serve in S.Sudan.  There was no lack of things to take pictures of under this category.  I wish I had been more camera ready.  I didn't get a picture of the little mouse that flew past my face when I opened a window.  He landed pretty heavily on the cement floor, but didn't waste time going outside.  Or  the shower where I had to herd out about 15 frogs before I could go in.  Then they kept hopping under the door to check to see if I was finished so they could come back in. They were very cute!  So, I should say in all fairness to the other species, only the insects curled my toes.  I also added a few funnies at the end.

This thing has been in some fights, that's all I can say!

Mosquito net tucked in? Check. Alarm set? Check.  Ipod on the floor? "Oh wait, let me turn on the flashlight, there's something down there."  Glad Jon thought to turn on the light, then glad he SMASHED this villain to smitherins.

Yes, those are cockroaches on steroids. Yes, there were four bathroom stalls just like this. Yes, you're nuts if you think I went in there.

Okay, if you'd have asked me, they should have squished this freaky thing straight away, but then I was still mad about the cockroach thing.

 Taxi? Looks comfortable!

Just FYI! Wash them at home!!

So I will close with this word of insight.

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